report ran by The News office Desk of Paedia Express Multimedia in
Lagos,Nigeria on Wednesday,13th April,2016 over the possibility of
the Sahara Desert coming alive with activities in the foreseeable future since
it was not completely an empty mass waste land like many may have felt finally did
come to pass sometimes in the last week of December,2016 with snow falling in
Setif and adjoining areas of Algeria.
Sahara Desert which is seen as a
useless piece of wastelands is actually a diamond mine waiting to be mined.
Embedded in this large or huge
swathe of expansive land which cuts across nations like Libya ,Egypt ,Algeria,
Sudan, Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, western Sahara, Chad and this days
Northern Nigeria are traces of what is regarded by scientists as variants of
Rivers, lakes, streams all under the ground but sprouting out to gather at deep
depressions on the surface called Oasis..
During the ice age ,the demography
of human and animal population was different from what we make of it today.
In a chat with the News Office Desk
of Paedia Express Multimedia in her Lagos home ,a source who will not want to
be in the print told this reporter that the Sahara Desert was not always a
desert but that it was due to the shift
on the earth surface due to the effects of global warming that turned it into a
wasteland .
She recalled that the theory of Gondwanaland that stated that the early set of men moved around
the world on foot unhindered as there were no seas or rivers to separate the
continent like it is today.
According to her,if an analyst pick
up a map to do a critical analysis physically of the structure of the major
continents ,he or she would see that if fused together they will just become
She also noted that there was a lot
of similarities between the animals and plant life on the coast of South America and west Africa
and stated as such that the theory that the world used to be one was no lie.
She explained that she had watched
series of documentaries on the National Geographic channel which showed that
Archeologists had discovered lots of treasure under the ground in the Sahara
Desert .
She affirmed that there were a lost
cities and civilization buried under the deserts around the world with Sahara
not being different.
This reporter has read a beautiful
piece in TIME magazine couple of years ago in which it was disclosed that at
least 50 to 60 percent of the energy needs of the European Union could be
tapped from the Sahara Desert if leading investment banks in the world pull
their resources together to finance such
a project.
According to the ground breaking
editorial masterpiece ,photo electric cells will be mounted in the Sahara
Desert under such a scheme to trap its ready -made solar energy from the sun
every day to drive electricity.
The source added that with the way
the ozone layer depletion had triggered –off the concept of global warming ,the
positions of the world may yet change again and even Sahara Desert as we see it
now may still become green again in millions of years to come.
She agreed totally to Paedia Express
Multimedia exclusive reportage on the shifting of the North Pole and pleaded
with policy makers to do something to reverse the trend before things
get too late .
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