BY ABDULMUMINI ADEKU![Yeltsin family Yeltsin family]()
Good Times :former President
Boris Yeltsin now deceased sits with his family, from left: wife Naina Yeltsin,
son-in-law Valery Okulov, son-in-law Leonid Diyachenko, granddaughter
Katya, daughter Yelena, grandson Boris, granddaughter Masha and daughter
Tatiana Dyachenko.
AP/Dmitry Donskoy
© 2017, Chicago Tribune
Boris Yeltsin was old ,frail and very sick and not better
than a breathing cadaver but the Russian nation needed to scout for
Ms Tatiana Yeltsin now Tatiana Yumashev ,who was her father’s administrative officer and special assistant at The Kremlin
in Moscow,Russia as the family wielded power and affluence as at then was
chosen to look for who steps into daddy’s big shoes by the first family
So the first family in Russia decided to coopt Mr Boris
Berezovsky ,probably one of the richest Russians of his day at the time into
their plans for succession with Tatiana to do the entire work.
Other big names like Roman Abrahamovich,The Georgean :Badri
Patarkatsishvili,Moscow Mayor ,Vladmir Gusinsky all joined the plot to get a
stooge to cover up their tracks as far
as the oligarchy were concerned.
Highly influential Godfather of the Kremlin ,Boris
Berezovsky was given the task to woo a reluctant spy chief,Vladmir Putin into
the plan that will eventually help to protect the Russian elite.
However ,they under estimated the inner resolve and steel of
a Mr Putin and as soon as he came to power through the money of this people he
started to assert himself while taking out his benefactors one after the other.
In a no holds barred literary thriller :The News Ooffice
Desk of Paedia Express Multimedia in Lagos,Nigeria is now in possession of Ben
Mezrich’s Once upon a time in Russia ,a book that chronicles the rise of Mr
Vladmir Putin from cradle to power as Russia’s President.
In the 279 paged literary master piece ,it was gathered that
the decision by Auto mogul ,Berezovsky to cut Putin to size after reading the
latter’s handwriting on the wall led to a lot of terrible consequences for the
business man who eventually committed suicide.
According to the book which hit the market worldwide in
December,2015,,Berezovsky had felt that since he helped in no small way to
putting Yeltsin and Putin in office and
in addition to that helping to install another President in Georgia with his
deep pocket then he actually deserved some level of respect for his
It was discovered that his decision to use Russian Public
Television [O.R.T.]in which he owned 49 percent as a tool to fighting Putin
eventually led to a backlash which led to his running to London,United Kingdom
on political exile to escape criminal prosecutions and persecution at
It was uncovered in the book that the Russian Presidency was
particularly angry with Berezovsky for
using the media through his television to blackmail President Yeltsin over the
kursk submarine accident in the Barent Sea.
This reporter noted in the book that all those who had the
guts to look Mr Putin in the eyes eventually ended up somehow in a body bag
kept in the morgue for eventual burial save for Roman
Abrahamovich who understood earlier warnings from Putin not to get himself
involved in politics hence faced his
private business squarely.
President Vladmir Putin of The Russian Federation was
described in the book as a brilliant in the book as a brilliant, icy cold, strong
willed character who hardly ever talks hence unpredictable aside from other
qualities like loyalty, efficiency and strength.
The book says:”At the time,Berezovsky had needed some aid in
setting up a car dealership in Saint Petersburg and the Mayor of the city had
handed him over to his deputy,a former KGB officer by the name Vladmir Putin”
“Berezovsky had been impressed by his efficiency and at a
dinner party he had learned a bit about the man’s background”
“a child of poverty like so many in Russia ,Putin had grown up
for a time in community apartment ,he had not been a wonderful student but he
was an impressive athlete who had gone on to become a Judo champion “
“After stints studying law and language, he had then put in
over 16 years of service as an agent with the KGB,he had been stationed in Germany where he had gotten married ,had a
couple of daughters and then returned home
to work at the University of Saint Petersburg for a former teacher who later
became the mayor”
“in 1991,When Yeltsin took over power and communism fell ,he
left the KGB and his sudden ascension to the Head of FSB had come on the
heels of being brought to Moscow by Yeltsin
and the family”
The Russian Federation has been in the news in the last one
year over what some believed was its interference in the electioneering process
in the United states of America but this it has repeatedly denied very strongly
as it was accused of hacking
Yeltsin graduated from MSU Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics in
1983.[citation needed]
She then worked at the Salyut Design Bureau and
later at Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center until
made her his personal advisor in 1996 when his re-election campaign was
faltering.[2] A memoir written by Yeltsin, as reported by the New
York Times [3] credited her with advising against "banning
Communist Party, dissolving Parliament and postponing presidential
elections" in 1996. She was particularly influential as Yeltsin recovered
from heart surgery in late 1996. She became the keystone in a small group of
advisors known as "The Family," although the others (Alexander Voloshin and Valentin Yumashev) were not Yeltsin relatives.[4] Boris Berezovsky and
other oligarchs were often
included in the group as well.
2000, Dyachenko's name came up during a corruption investigation, but no
charges were brought.[5] Dyachenko remained on the staff of Yeltsin's
hand-picked successor Vladimir Putin, and was a
key adviser to him during his 2000 election campaign,[6] but Putin fired her later that year.
was portrayed in the 2003 satirical comedy Spinning Boris, based on the real experiences of American
political consultants in the 1996 campaign.[7]
and Yumashev provided editorial assistance in preparing the last volume of her
father's memoirs, Midnight Diaries.[8]
Personal life
was married to Alexey Dyachenko, a businessman who was recently made CEO of Urals Energy, a
company under investigation by the Putin government as of 2008.[9] In 2001, Tatyana married her fellow presidential
adviser Valentin Yumashev,[10] and flew to London to have a baby.[11] Yumashev is the father-in-law of oligarch Oleg Deripaska.[12] Tatyana is a close friend of another
multi-billionaire, Roman Abramovich.[13]
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