The News office Desk of Paedia Express Multimedia Group in Lagos, Nigeria now understands that the United Kingdom is ironically the greatest of all nations to have colonized other nations with some of its old colonies now highly industrialized nations themselves.
Checks by this reporter through an impeccable source shows that Britain unlike nations like Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Germany developed their colonies with some of them like Australia, Canada, South Africa ,Hong Kong ,Zimbabwe ,Botswana ,India leading tourist destinations and now big brands themselves.
The source noted that a nation like Spain was responsible for the serious cases of under development in Latin America save for the vast territory of Brazil which was colonized by Portugal.
The source pointed out that at independence in 1960,the blueprint :Britain left for Nigeria would have made her a prosperous nation but for the many profligacy of her leadership which has in turn made it an economic Lilliput rather than the giant was supposed to actually be due to its vast resources in mineral development and human resource potential as well.
The source lashed out at the French government for helping in no small measure in under developing Africa wondering why nations from Francophone Africa continued to be treated as an appendage of France till date in history.
His words:”I once read somewhere about a French village called South Pole ,where a bitter was of about 99 years was fought between The French and the English over the efforts made by the former to try to suppress Queens English language as they felt that their own culture and language was more superior “
“infact they killed people then for speaking English language ,so am not surprised that during the recent campaigns for the French elections for the position of The Presidency ,Macron was verbally assaulted by political opponents and his countrymen for using English to campaign to university students in Berlin”
It would be recalled that the crisis created by colonialism was what led to several wars being fought over the Libyan territory about a 100 years ago by the Italian colonialists on one side and local folk hero ;Umar Al Mokhtar which eventually snowballed into a Hollywood motion picture titled:Lion in the Desert.
Key Pan Africanists and Statesmen like late Amilcar Cabral of Guinea Bissau ,late Agostino Neto of Angola, late Samora Machel of Mozambique all led rebellion against the Portuguese colonialists in their respective nations due to continuous crisis of being short changed by their task masters.
It is now becoming increasingly clear that this should form the reasons why no trigger was pulled as Nigeria got her independence on the 1st of October ,1960.
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