7 Years:E.N.M. Paedia Express roles out balance sheet

was taken to commemorate the 7th Year of operations of E.N.M. Paedia
Express Multimedia Group at its News offices in Lagos,Nigeria on the 2nd
of March,2017
The News office Desk of Paedia Express Multimedia Group in
Lagos,Nigeria has made an exclusive declaration of its financial books after booking up an appointment to visit
tax authorities shortly.
The private company started by Mr Abdulmumini ireyi Adeku in
2005 30th September precisely
,disclosed that it has expended well over N3.5million in
liquid cash in its operations in seven years of doing business.
Checks showed that the company splashed a sum of N1.5
million on its operations between 2005 till 2006 but did not record anything
for the corresponding period between 2006 and 2007 ,2007 and 2008,2008 and 2009
respectively due to the boardroom crisis it was enmeshed in at the time.
E.N.M Paedia Express Multimedia Group however expended sums
of around N250,000,N250,000 and N450,000 respectively on its media operations.
The company also paid out as much as N600,000 and N300,000
on accommodation and feeding of its executives which was grouped under miscellaneous
category in the process of auditing.
The company’s prime landed assets in two states of the Federation
was worth at least N50million when valued as the books and library resource
materials were still undergoing review as at press time.
The Founder of the company and Nigerian Media entrepreneur ,Mr
Abdulmumini Adeku said he started the trade on the 30th of September
,2005 after receiving a friendly gesture of about N50,000 from Erelu Olushola Obada
,The then Deputy Governor of Oshun State
after visiting her on an official press assignment .
He also got a gift of a desk top computer from Dr Phil
Osagie of J.S.P Corporate Communications Consultancy thus translating to a
N100,000 investment at the time from which he started to trade.
An independent survey by Sunbird African Media
Limited,Lagos,Nigeria ,sometimes in March,2016 put Paedia Express Multimedia’s
Group’s brand value at N10Billion but when the economic recession is added then
it is not difficult to see why it is now put at N30Billion for a brand which
may even be higher than that in terms of
The brand’s news office can be contacted for a Live chat via
its 08105720262,short message services and its official email services via enmpaediaexpress@gmail.com.
The brand is on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus, Blogger,
You Tube, Sound Cloud and can deploy video conferencing services if need be.
Paedia Express Multimedia’s content composition includes but
not limited to the following: Breaking News, News, commentary and analysis, satires,
features, special interviews, profiles, videos and audios, infographics ,cartoon,
photo, events, sponsorship, corporate social responsibility ,mobile content, wire
services, marketing mix content,classics, public relations and brand campaigns.
Despite the brand not enjoying premium advertising as at
press time to boost its publicity profile ,its news, information product
content are available to at least a 2billion audience
On Facebook, Google ‘s 2.5billion users are also availed of
its content ..
As at 7th of March,2017,the brand had over 631
tweets,736 following and 80 followers on its Twitter page ,with another 585,827
and 148 tweets ,following and follower son the personal page of its founder.
It has well over 81,000 hits on its blogspots as at press time with majority of its readers
from the Americas ,Europe and other places in the diaspora.
BETWEEN 2016 TO 2017
A]Most trusted media brand in Africa
Source:Social media users
B}most trusted media brand in Nigeria
Source:social media users
C]Most influential media brand in Nigeria
Source: Social media users
D]Best Media Brand in the world
Source:Mr Tonjo Francois,Beninoise national
E]Most Revolutionary News
Source :Mr Timothy Zuberu Atta
F]Best Media Brand in Nigeria,Africa and among Top 30 in the
Source:Social media users
G]Great Voice in global democracies
Source:Sinn Fein Political Party,Ireland,
H]influenced The Nobel Peace Prize
committee for its
choice on the Literary Prize in
a way it has never happened before after a petition in 2016
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