A top public affairs analyst[ names with held} has thrown
his full weight behind an online analysis by The News Office Desk of Paedia
Express Multimedia Group in Lagos,Nigeria ,in which it stated that the presence
of the attacker on the grounds of the British Parliament was enough a
circumstantial evidence on the intention of the lone wolf ,Khalid Masood,now
believed to be part of a London underground
cell of the dreaded Islamic States in the Levant[I.S.I.L]
Checks shows that during the referendum on the future of
Britain as far as its membership of the
European Union was concerned ,a lot of immigrants from Asian,Arab and Black descents
are said to have voted to stay back in the European Union instead of leaving ,a
sentiments also echoed by people from Scotland and Northern Ireland however
there was a sharp division on this among original natives from Britain.
A source noted that considering the fact that Article 50 was
about to be triggered by Prime Minister
Theresa May then without a doubt the I.S.IS. lone wolf wanted to stop
the government move on that.
In a related issue,yet another source insisted that I.S.I.S must have gone too far in its
evil activities as Britain has proven to be a highly liberal society as it even
offered the position of its Mayor to an
Arab Muslim ,Mr Sadiq Khan.
The source wondered aloud which nation in the world will
offer an Arab Muslim such a plum job .
Mr Khalid Masood ,the 52 years old Briton said to be behind the
latest wave of terror attack is believed to have been largely inspired by the Islamist
ideology of I.s.i.s but the latter has
not claimed direct involvement on the attack on Westminster as at press time.
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