Monday 18 September 2017

Branding :abdulmumini Adeku's Networth now over 18 british billion pounds

Branding :abdulmumini Adeku's Networth now over 18 british billion pounds
world exclusive]
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Branding :abdulmumini Adeku's Networth now over 18 billion British pounds sterling.
[world exclusive]
Nigeria and Africa most likely has one of its richest man right now and this is piping hot.
His names are :Mr Abdulmumini Adeku,Founder of Paedia Express Multimedia Group in Lagos, Nigeria.
In an exclusive but exhaustive and ground breaking brand survey of over 16 years and carried out over the last one month preparatory to visiting tax regulators in Lagos, Nigeria ,the consulting arm of the entire group, Paedia Express consulting which handles consultancies in Real Estates, Market research and Brand Reports declared and valued its owner at well over 18 billion pounds sterling.
The brand audit which was divided into two due to the impact either of Brands Abdulmumini ireyi Adeku and Brand Paedia Express have made in the business of news media and information provision in 16 years and two years respectively in the area of highly effective but strategic communication.
Brand Abdulmumini Adeku in the auditing exercise was valued at 16 billion British pounds sterling and Brand Paedia Express Multimedia Group was valued at 2 billion British pounds sterling ,however when an external consultant ,The Sunbird African Media Limited did a valuation of around N10Billion to N40Billion about two years ago they were not faulted because the even Mr Adeku knew it could be higher as he believed at the time that the brands were still evolving and the researcher were not even given a lot of documentations to be able to do a thorough job in the project which was then done via mental calculations which did not add much .
What this means in financial terms is that anyone who uses the brand names :Abdulmumini ireyi Adeku and Paedia Express Multimedia Group wrongly can be sued for as much .
Shares of Paedia Express Multimedia Group in Lagos, Nigeria Are also expected to be valued now to reflect the new reality with legal papers expected to be signed for upon collection by stakeholders who were at an extra-ordinary meeting with Mr Adeku on the 13th of September,2017 as they got briefed of current developments while those who were not physically present will also be briefed later by the management of the fast rising blue chip current fortunes
It also means that if Brands Abdulmumini ireyi Adeku and Paedia Express were to sell publicly at an auction then they will not do business for anything less in this region depending on the what is allotted for Sales at the public auction of shares

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