Monday 29 January 2018


BY ABDULMUMINI ADEKU/WORLD EXCLUSIVEImage result for israel nuclear plant
………………………………………………………….MOSSAD IS SUPER EFFICIENT,
……………………………………………………………..ISRAEL HAS BEING USING F-16 AIRCRAFT'S SINCE 1980S
……………………………………………………………….ARAB NATIONS GOT F-16 AIRCRAFT'S RECENTLY
A Defence and communication strategist [names with held]has declared that any outbreak of war leading to a possible usage of nuclear war heads by any of the combatant that will be involved in the possible fight over Jerusalem ,The City of God, will be disastrous in terms of long term consequence for the whole world .
In an hour long world exclusive interview with The News office Desk of E.N.MPaedia Express Multimedia Group of Lagos,Nigeria ,the media strategist said it was expedient for all the warring parties to explore all possible diplomatic options .
He insisted that if the Israeli military decides to use the nuclear war heads in their arsenal ,he was sure it could bring the entire world on its knees abruptly.
He went down memory lane to paint a picture of Israel as a very small nation located in a geographical location with all its neighbors either an enemy or a potential one.
According to him ,there was a popular saying within the global intelligence community that the first battle the nation of Israel loses to her enemies will mean extermination hence are super efficient in every facet of human Endeavor as they cannot afford to fail.
He recalled that Israel already had a nuclear war head as far back as the 1960s and had their Air Defense systems ,surface to air missiles combat ready.
He revealed that Israel’s Defense philosophy was encoded in what he called the Samson option ,in which if Israel were to be defeated by her enemies then the whole world will have to be decimated along with it and as such are not afraid of the eventual possibility of an Arab/global gang up at all.
He pointed out that it was the Samson option which they wanted to use in one of their war with the Arabs that prompted the United States of America to send them conventional weapons at the time.
The source speaks:”America lost in Vietnam,Egypt too lost a war but though they were both humiliated they had homes to go to but Israel does not have any home to go to if they lose and so they never have a plan B as far as success is concern”
“The Russian intelligence on the day of the six day war detected Israeli planes taking off and they then sent signals that an attack was imminent ,when the information started to come in there was nobody to translate this signals and when the war eventually started israel took over all the air bases and got superior air power”
“And then they cut all the supplies and within six days the war was over ,israel is disadvantaged as all their neighbors are hostile to their existence and are therefore enemies so in essence they do not joke with their combat readiness at all times”
“The concept of Tradoc as well as used by The Nigerian Army was copied from the United States and after they lost the Vietnam War ,they decided to re-invent themselves using the Israeli model of discipline”
The source noted that till date and as a matter of deliberate foreign and defense policy ,The United states of America always makes sure that they sell more sophisticated weapons to Israel than any of their Arab neighbors’
He added that Israel had an advantage over all the nations globally in that there was always a Jew capable of infiltrating any system globally as he used the story of Eli Cohen who spied on Syria and made the capture of Golan Heights possible for Israel and even though the latter got executed by hanging publicly the harm had being done.
It was gathered that General Thomas Power of the United states Air Force in the 1960s when he was Commander of its strategic Air Command after replacing another war time hero:Curtison Le May and the former had warned of dire consequences if there was a nuclear war of any sort.
Curtison Le May was in charge of the U.S. Strategic Air Command at the time of the Cuban missile crisis.
Oct. 5, 1986: Israel's Secret Nuke Arsenal Exposed by Tony Long
1986: The existence of Israel's secret nuclear weapons program is revealed by a former nuclear-plant technician, whose story is published by The Sunday Times of London.
Israel has never acknowledged possessing nuclear weapons, although most defense experts believe it has been developing nuclear warheads since the 1960s at its Dimona Nuclear Research Center in the Negev Desert. Official Israeli policy is to be deliberately vague on the subject.
There was nothing vague about what Mordechai Vanunu told the Times, however. The former army sergeant became critical of Israeli policies and left the country after being laid off as a technician at the Negev facility. While living in Australia he met a Times reporter and told him, in detail, about what was going on out in the desert.
Vanunu – who changed his name to John Crossman and converted to Christianity after leaving Israel – accompanied the reporter to London and gave the paper around 60 photographs he had taken secretly while working at Dimona. The photographs showed, among other things, the plutonium spheres used to trigger nuclear warheads.
After thoroughly fact-checking Vanunu's account, the Times broke the story on Oct. 5.
Israel, tipped that the Times had the goods, abducted Vanunu in Rome (after luring him there from London, so as not to incur the wrath of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher by nabbing him on British soil) five days before the newspaper published the story. He was drugged by Mossad agents and shipped back to Israel on a freighter.
A secret court convicted Vanunu on charges of treason and espionage and sentenced him to 18 years. He was released from prison, where he'd spent up to 10 years in solitary confinement, on April 21, 2004. Vanunu remains a thorn in Israel's side, continuing to attack the nuclear program as well as Israel's treatment of its Arab minority.
He has not been allowed to leave Israel, where his freedom of speech is restricted. He served three months in prison in 2010 for violating the terms of his earlier release.
Source: Various
Photo: The British newspaper The Sunday Times broke the story of Israel's nuclear arsenal Oct. 5, 1986. (Wikipedia)

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