Wednesday 7 August 2019


BY ABDULMUMINI ADEKU…Image result for ebola crisis today in congo kinshasa
The Editorial and Policy Board of the E.N.M.Paedia Express Multimedia Group of Lagos,Nigeria and the News office Desk of the medium has accepted the challenge by global health authorities   World Health Organization[W.H.O]  declaring the Ebola Virus scourge in Congo ,Kinshasa as an international health emergency  on the 17th of July,2019…
Checks showed that W.H.O. Director General ,Dr Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus in his statement said that the crisis considered the deadliest in human history was of grave concern..
To this end ,this medium has set up a 24 hours response system to monitor global development with a view to instant reportage
Using pictures to investigate the crisis in Congo Kinshasa,this how this medium views it over the web..
1] a health official is seen  wearing a sky blue  colored laboratory coat and injecting a pink colored lady adorned with a  White Face cap while backing the camera with what  appeared a preventive option..
2]As the Ebola crisis ravaged Congo Kinshasa ,another picture showed at least five health workers in an all yellow laboratory coats and covered up to the head and nasal regions like Astronauts as they carried what appeared a corpse carefully wrapped in a body bag..
3]As the nation tried to contain the danger of Ebola ,a particular shot showed a long range of natives all queuing up to be attended to by a health official..
4]several signage’s in Congo Kinshasa  warned even a first time visitor apart from indigenes  of the National Health Emergency ..
5]A shot showed four men stand with a health official inoculating equipments to prevent a future spread of the viral inspired disease..
6]several shots over the web showed that a lot of death were recorded in the crisis as caskets were seen being taken for burial  aside from health officials conducting burials at what appeared like public cemeteries.
7]The timeline of Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo is as follows:
A]That on the 5th of August ,2018 ,there was an out break of Ebola as declared by the W.H.O. in Beni,Butembo,Olcha,Nabalako,Muslenene and Mandina and by August 20,2018 ,100 people were struck down by the killer disease.
B]That on the 2nd to 9th of September,2019,there were several cases of the scourge discovered in Komnanda and Masareka with more cases discovered and confirmed in Komanda and Tchonia.
C]That on the 4th of November,2018,the outbreak toll had hit 300 people as new patients were been discovered on a daily basis.
By November 11th ,2018,there were several cases and deaths recorded at Kyondo and  Muthwonga with Katwa having its own cases by November,19th ,2019..
As at December,10 to 16th ,2018,another round of outbreak led to 500 cases of virus reaching Biena.
Christmas day of 2018 had the worst ever case of Ebola attacks and second worst ever case was spotted at Nyakunde..
In the new year ,Ebola strikes did not stop as it was recorded at Manguredjipa and Kayna being both hit by January 14th to 21st ,2019…
8]Another  over the web which was an outdoor advertising billboard showed the extent the health leadership went to putting the nation alert  in terms of publicity of the disease ,a billboard in English Language emphatically stated :Ebola Must Go…
9]A picture showing the closure of Congo Kinshasa ‘s border with that of the Republic of Rwanda and with only three men in sight showed how difficult the times were for the Equatorial and Central African nation..
10]Areas spotted in maps to have being struck by the Ebola virus were also outlined in maps..
11] The World Health Organization[W.H.O.]declared  Ebola a global health emergency on the 17th of July,2019..
The World Health Organization [W.H.O.] has declared that the current Ebola Viral Disease scourge in Congo Kinshasa was of urgent grave concern for the whole of planet earth.
Checks by The  News office Desk of the E.N.M.Paedia Express Multimedia Group of Lagos,Nigeria  shows that the global body said in a terse statements recently that the disease was a public health emergency of global concern ,a rare designation only used for the gravest epidemics..
‘It is time for the world to take notice “,W.H.O. chieftain :Tedros Adhanom Ghebreysus said in a recent public statement…

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