Wednesday 8 January 2020


BY ABDULMUMINI ADEKU[LAGOS,NIGERIA]Image result for teleportation technology
The art and science of transporting people and other forms of solid objects through space and time ,fondly called Teleportation  should not be turned into a formal business venture for the global public.
Recently ,The News office Desk of the E.N.M.Paedia Express Multimedia Group of Lagos,Nigeria had discovered in a chat with a source of the dire implications of allowing the technology in the hands of the over 7billion people on planet earth .
A mole who watched the Hollywood  movie,Jumper with the iconic Samuel Jackson as one of the lead casts ,said that if the technology was allowed into the hands of people with evil intents  then world leaders  will not be able to keep the peace in the world as there will be an upsurge in terrorist activities .
In the movie proper,some of the casts were seen moving instantly from one location to another on sea,ocean,ice,Giza Pyramids,High Tension Cables ,Buildings .War Front .thus making the source to compare the technology to sorcery.
The model of technology that the internet was built upon started very slowly from the defence industrial and space research sectors  until it became fully commercial ditto the social media.
What is teleportation technology?
Teleportation, or the ability to transport a person or object instantly from one place to another, is a technology that could change the course of civilization and alter the destiny of nations. It is a common subject in science fiction literature, film, video games, and television.
Quantum teleportation is a process in which quantum information (e.g. the exact state of an atom or photon) can be transmitted (exactly, in principle) from one location to another, with the help of classical communication and previously shared quantum entanglement between the sending and receiving location.
What is entanglement physics?

Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated, interact, or share spatial proximity in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the state of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance.

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