Thursday 11 April 2019


BY ABDULMUMINI ADEKU[LAGOS,NIGERIA]PHOTO CREDIT:GOOGLEImage result for terrorists at SINAI,EGYPTImage result for terrorists at SINAI,EGYPTImage result for terrorists at SINAI,EGYPT
The political model which encourages Egyptian politics to be controlled by the military is the best at least for now.
Public Affairs analyst and Chief Executive officer of the Sunbird African Media LImited,Mr Richards Mammah said that without the military serving as a buffer he was sure that radical Islam will over run all of Egypt..
He identified areas radical Islam will seek to dismantle to include all of Non Islam and moderate Islam if they were not checkmated hence the hard line policies of the General Abdelfattah Al Sisi 's regime.
He noted that allowing radical islamist groups like The Muslim Brotherhood to continue to grow unchallenged in the area will ultimately have being a major threat to Israel and other Western investments not just in Egypt but in the Middle East.
He attributed the recent improvements in Egyptian tourism to the posture of the Al Sisi regime on radical Islam.
He listed other militarized states as Algeria ,Pakistan,Burma,Thailand amongst others while  stating that  the nations were so structured to their fragile nature.
He affirmed that Nigeria was a quasi -military state while insisting that he could not recall when the military did not have some kind of control or the other as even in the 2015 ,2019 polls the military used their might respectively to muscle all and sundry to the benefits of their favorite.

He added that one of the pitfalls of the global islamist agenda was the  all conquering model which lays an uncompromising emphasis on territoriality thus causing a lot of friction between the state and a rogue military.

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