Wednesday 14 January 2015



What sort of wisdom will warrant the demotion of Cardinal Raymond Burke by Pope Francis at the Vatican recently.
Many consider Cardinal Raymond Burke the official opposition to the Pope within the Catholic Realm and this was what made Pope Francis uncomfortable with him thus necessitating his been shoved aside.
A senior figure in the Catholic Church in Nigeria while speaking exclusively to Paedia Express Multimedia in Lagos recently  almost stopped at saying that the current head of the Catholic Church has derailed from his original assignment when he took over from Pope Benedict.
He explained to this reporter that there was a prophecy within the Catholic faith tagged the Malachi Prophecy ,named after a Catholic Monk and saint of the Church about some recent developments within the church.
The Source speaks:”he saw a vision of The Pope’s from his time to the end of time  and this was in the 12 th century,he listed them and they were about 112 of them ,for instance he called the 100th of them the half moon”
“History records that the coat of arms of Pope John Paul the first was actually a half moon ,he was born  and died on the day of an eclipse of the moon which is half moon”
“He called Pope Pius the 10th ,the angelic pastor and everybody knew that Angels sued to visit Pope Pius to tell him of the future,in the list of the popes that Malachi saw the 112th was Benedict the 16th and he was called the glory of the olive tree  and he was from the order called the Olivethans”
According to the impeccable source ,Malachi’s visions revealed that after Pope Benedict’s tenure the next catholic pontiff  will preside over the disintegration of the church.
The source while using the prophecy as an authority predicted that there will be a major split in the Catholic Church very soon as the body of Christ in the Vatican will face severe persecution  with 85 percent following the leader driven by satanic forces thus making history to repeat itself again in his opinion.
The source continues:”it’s just like what Judas Iscariot did to Jesus,a bishop will set the church on fire ,we do not know for sure who will do this but it will happen anyway as he will wring  out changes at the top which will best be described as  abominable but which will be generally accepted to the world”
“added to this is the fact that mass will no longer hold   and this will be replaced with nothing but mockery  and when you abolish the mass what you are saying is that the death of jesus was nothing spiritual but historical”
“He assured that who  ever will be used by satan against the church will come from the top as that was where power was wielded as the catholic church operates a unitary system of governance based on hierarchy”
“if a priest is leading a mass and preaching a mass ,the pope cannot stop him even if he is seated but at the same time the priests  cannot take any decision without the Bishop ‘s approval “
He hinted that the time for the destruction of the Catholic Church may be said to be near when the Church and the real world is similar in thinking and behavior.
He listed such signs that people should be weary of as been told to ration  child bearing because of global economic hardship, the usage of condoms among other issues which will eventually pitch the church against the entire world.
He affirmed that a Puppet will soon be enthroned as the Head of the Catholic Church  and the interest of the over 1billion faithful around the world.
He added that while the Fake Pope’s teachings will be universally accepted ,it will entirely fail and then the fragments of what remains of the body of Christ will salvage the church.
It would be recalled that Cardinal Raymond Burke’s recent demotion at the Vatican as head of its Supreme Court after been hailed as one of the church rallying voice has meant a lot of questions are been asked about Pope Francis ‘s leadership traits
Burke, known for his defense of traditional liturgy and as outspoken defender of doctrine on sexual morality, arose during the recent Synod for Bishops on the family as a champion of the conservative camp.
In recent months , he has given several interviews in which he expressed his concern over the Church’s future.
Talking to Spanish magazine Vida Nueva, he said that many Catholics “feel a bit of seasickness, because it seems to them that the ship of the Church has lost its compass. The cause of this disorientation must be put aside. We have the constant tradition of the Church, the teachings, the liturgy, morals. The catechism does not change.”
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Refusing to be labeled as the “leader of the opposition of Pope Francis reform,” Burke then spoke to the Catholic portal Aleteia.
He said that, in his opinion, many are misinterpreting the pope’s emphasis on going to the peripheries as a way of chasing after the culture.
“In other words, that somehow we no longer have confidence in the teaching of the faith and in the life of the Church, and so we go after those very deficient situations in society as if we have nothing to offer, and nothing to say,” he said.
To Burke, the Church has to go out to the periphery with the “integrity of our Catholic faith.” He said that he believes this is what the pontiff is suggesting, “but I’ve seen other people using his [Pope Francis] words to justify a kind of accommodation of the faith to culture which can never be.”

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